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Hello Beautiful Soul!


I am here to help You
Awaken, Align and Anchor the Light within YOU through Light Activation, channelled energy transmissions and Wisdom of Source

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Events with Nikoleta

Join us in the realms
of higher frequencies and meet
the highest version of yourself.

Light Activation is an energy transmission which will help you anchor your true Light into
your mind, body and energy field.

Discover more

Diana Cooper

Author, International Speaker, Teacher

"I have known Nikoleta for about a year and always admired her pure energy.
My guide Kumeka has often told me that she brings through pure Source energy
and I first realised this when she spoke in light language at an event.
It was the first time I had heard 100% pure light language and I was told that she was channelling light codes directly from Source.

Now Nikoleta is offering her sessions on line.
I shall certainly be attending!

Incidentally she originates from Venus, the Cosmic Heart,
and radiates the cosmic love energy."


Read more testimonials

Portals Activation with Diana Cooper

Recently, I've had the pleasure of being part of something truly extraordinary. I've been helping Diana Cooper creating magical portals with a very high frequency.

I feel honoured I was asked to activate one of them and I'd love you to tune in and enjoy this beautiful frequency of each one of them on 5th May at 12.30 BST, on Diana's YouTube Channel.

The energy of these gateways are pure and powerful, and the high frequencies we can access through them are absolutely amazing.

I can't wait to be a part of this and see what's yet to come...

Experience YOUR entire BEing

within Your Human Self.


Get in touch with Your Soul's Potential
and start to live as a MULTIDIMENSIONAL Being
with limitless possibilities in this Beautiful Physical World.

You can really Be, Do and Create everything You Desire.

Group Session Reviews

Healing with Divine Love and
Light Activation

Free Online Event

Let you mind body and spirit bask in the beauty of Divine Love and Source energy.

We start with a gentle meditation to become more receptive and relaxed
to the powerful energy of Divine Love.

Light Activation is an energy transmission

This evening will be focused on pure love that will heal any past hurts, sadness, fears so you can open your heart and trust in
the beauty of life once again. 

Get your FREE recording
Divine Love Healing Reviews

Light Activation
Private Session 


An individual energetic session
to awaken the deepest parts
of your Soul
These sessions are very unique and they are tailored to suit the needs
of your Being.

We will be working through any blocks that may be in the way on your journey and activate your connection
to Source
, deepen your intuition and psychic abilities.

I become a conduit for Source Light
to co-create with your Higher Self. 
With Light Activation we can bring through exactly what you need on your ascension journey at this time.

Light Activation session
Private Session Reviews

for Higher Heart Activation

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Transformational RETREATS 

An intense transformational journey where You can let go of Your limitations and unlock the Magic of Your Unique Essence.

During channelled workshops, energetic healing, guided meditations and powerful energetic transmissions You can let go of any old versions of yourself and connect to Your Unlimited Potential.

You'll have a chance to see Yourself through the eyes of Source and remember the purpose You chose for this lifetime.
Step into your power and become the creator you truly are.

...because the whole world is waiting for your light...

This experience is 2-4 days, UK or abroad.
Keep your eyes peeled for next adventure.

Get started


Channelled Guided Meditations


Let the Guides take you for a Journey,
healing and connection with Source itself and Beings of light.

Get Your Meditation


Heal - Transform - Activate - Create - Ascend


Activational program for those who are ready to dive deeper into their unlimited potential and create reality with guidance and wisdom of the Universe.


 Let's stay connected



Follow my Journey for more inspiration, motivation and insights to Source energy that speaks to us every moment of our existence.

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